Evolution of computer in our daily life

Evolution of computer

Computer is the iconic product for the technology development through its usage other fields are started to develop largely. Each field obtained various faces through the use of computer since the manual job has been shifted to computerized work in work environments. The emergence of online shopping evolved a good trend to all that gets our job easy and quick. The communication is improved lot that connects people around the world in simple operations. Through the development of computer and its related fields we can now manage our job in other places using simple clicks. Seminars, conference meetings are handled in easy manner just by connecting the through internet connection using computer. At first generation of computer the size is very big the performance is too low the size of the servers occupied a large space. Day by day after the next generation size is minimized and performance is improved higher by the use of computer chips.

Role of computer

The use of computer chips replaced all hardware parts in single product that helped you to manage the operations in better way. Then laptop was introduced that comes in small compact size with easy portable option that can be used with battery charger. People can monitor their entire job just through laptop even though they are far away from the working place. Computer science is broad field that was included in the engineering which mainly deals about the computer and its relative areas. Studying its hardware operations, electronic chip programmings are included in electrical engineering. Relatively more fields are started to emerge just by the use new inventions are made by the young talents. The design of software applications helped to process our job in easy way that reduces our time and effort.

Role of computer in every field

In the engineering new inventions are made in bringing the computer to next level by designing the hardware chips and programming languages to more advanced level. Using those ideas many developments were included in all areas that made people to explore and helped to develop their standard. Computer is a multitasking object that process more works simultaneously one can paint, chat, learn and do more operations using computer. Nowadays we can find computer in every homes and working places even children started to work computers and learning new things actively. This current generation experiencing plenty of benefits just by the access of the computer that earns money quickly without going anywhere. Develop your skills and become an expert on your respective field by reaching your goals.