iSeries Cloud – Step-By-Step Procedure To Follow

With three various service models, deployment models, and context to take in consideration, path to the IBM iSeries cloud execution is not very clear. With the roadmap to the cloud implementation of IBM i (or AS/400), we will clear a few things for you.
First step for implementing the cloud computing for IBM iSeries is analyzing the current situation, comparing this to benefits and negatives of the IBM iSeries cloud service. Generally, the potential benefits of the cloud computing and storage include:
- Scalable resources
- Centralized data
- Minimized complexity
- Heightened security
- Simple to meet compliance
- Consolidated workloads
- Deceased management requirements
- Paying for what you actually use
- Built-in IBM high availability solutions
- Capability of requesting for the service management & support
- High collaboration with the partners
In the mean time, the potential risks will include:
- Integration being very complex to get practical
- Bad fit with the company practices and customs
- Cloud computing and storage violates current legal and contractual requirements
- Loss of the flexibility of taking on the standardized solution
It is very clear which list is much shorter, however, real trial is assessing significance every point holds in the terms of own company’s context.
Before you implement the iSeries cloud service, you should first assess on what specifications are correct for you. Cloud includes 3 service models, and deployment models. Three service models will include:
- Platform as Service: The layer builds out infrastructure layer, with the focus on testing, building, managing applications and deploying.
- Software as Service: It is a highest tier that generally involves an ability of accessing software offered by cloud provider through network (popular solution for the industry-specific app).
- Infrastructure as Service: It is considered as foundation of the cloud computing, includes servers, networking and storage.
Three deployment models include private, public, and hybrid. We will go in differences between all these models in complete detail, thus here we will keep this short: the public clouds host several data at the anonymous & shared site that gives the lower costs and less security. And IBM private cloud can be hosted on the dedicated data centers on specific and known locations; and they provide complete security, but generally at the higher cost. Lastly, hybrid clouds mix two, and hosting part of the company’s data on private cloud, as well as rest on public.
While teaming up with the cloud service, implementation process is managed for you. This being said, steps generally involve:
- Migration
- Detailed planning
- Pilot implementation (revision, if required)
- Production implementation
- Test & revise solution, when needed
Cloud may appear complicated, but it does not need to be. For complete in-depth info, you can check out comprehensive guide to know IBM cloud for AIX and IBM i.